This Deed is made on
whose post office address is
referred to as the Grantor,
Whose post office address is
referred to as the Grantee.
The words "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall mean all Grantors and all Grantees listed above.
1. Transfer of Ownership. The Grantor grants and conveys (transfers ownership of) the property (called the "Property") described below to the Grantee. This transfer is made for the sum of
The Grantor acknowledges receipt of this money.
2. Tax map Reference. (N.J.S.A. 46:15-1.1) Municipality of
Block No. Lot No. Account No.
No property tax identification number is available on the date of this Deed. (Check box if applicable.)
3. Property. The Property consists of the land and all the buildings and structures on the land in the of
County of and State of new Jersey. The legal description is:
Please see attached Legal Description annexed hereto and made a part hereof (check box if applicable).
Prepared by: (print signer's name below signature) (For Recorder's Use Only)
The street address of the Property is:
4. Type of Deed. This Deed is called a Quitclaim Deed. The Grantor makes no promises as to ownership or title, but simply transfers whatever interest the Grantor has to the Grantee.
5. Signatures. The Grantor signs this Deed as of the date at the top of the first page. If the Grantor is a corporation, this Deed is signed and attested to by its proper corporate offices and its corporate seal is affixed. (Print name below each signature).
Witnessed or Attested by: ____________________________ (Seal)
_______________________________ ____________________________ (Seal)
I CERTIFY that on
personally came before me and stated to my satisfaction that this person (or if more than one, each person):
(a) was the maker of this Deed;
(b) executed this Deed as his or her own act; and,
(c) made this Deed for $ as the full and actual consideration paid or to be paid for the transfer of title. (Such consideration is defined in N.J.S.A. 46:15-5.)
(Print name and title below signature)
I CERTIFY that on
personally came before me and stated to my satisfaction that this person (or if more than one, each person):
(a) was the maker of this Deed;
(b) was authorized to and did execute this Deed as of the entity named in this Deed;
(c) made this Deed for $ as the full and actual consideration paid or to be paid for the transfer of title. (Such consideration is defined in N.J.S.A. 46:15-5.)
(d) executed this Deed as the act of the entity.
(Print name and title below signature)
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